Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Cottage in Kaitaia

Here is the cottage we stayed in for the weekend. It was on Greg's Uncle's Vineyard - the grapes behind are covered to stop the birds pecking the grapes. A great weekend!

Our Friend's Wedding

Here is Janelle, Greg, Nick and I at Paula and Sally's wedding in Kaitaia. It was a fab day - the first gay wedding we've been to!!!!

90 Mile Beach - Northland

We went for a drive along 90 Mile Beach - part of it is actually a State Highway - a lot quicker than the road and you can go faster!!!! Steve is with my sister Janelle, her husband, Greg and his parents. Steve washed the Pajero as soon as we got in!!!!

Kaitaia - Northland

Here is a photo of my brother-in-laws parent's house.

The view is over a lake - amazing!!!

They live very close to 90 mile beach.

The Fishing Continues!!!

Steve has been fishing yet again... this time he caught two stingrays. We had some for dinner that night - an interesting taste and texture. His new Pajero is in the background - only 1900 pounds!!!! It's a great drive and will be perfect for towing the boat!!!

Mum's Birthday Dinner

Mum's birthday dinner. We had my Nana and sisters, Janelle and Katrina and their partners Greg and George for dinner.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Our New Pool

We bought a new pool for the backyard - about 20 quid!! Steve was enjoying a few beers, but after about 10.... well you can see how relxed he was!!!!

Steve's Pajero

This is the 4WD Steve has bought.
1994 Mitsibushi Pajero 68,000km - very low - got the tow bar - ready for the boat!!